盧能彬 助理教授


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  1. 科技部,以正規化相鄰矩陣特徵向量為基礎之有向網絡中心性量測研究 (MOST 110-2410-H-182-003),計畫主持人,2021.08.01 ~ 2022.07.31
  2. 科技部,有向網絡中類特徵向量中心性量測之研究 (MOST 108-2410-H-182-017),計畫主持人,2019.08.01 ~ 2020.07.31
  3. 國科會專題研究計畫,部落格社群分析與對等式部落格系統設計 (NSC 97-2410-H-182-011),計畫主持人,2008.08.01~2009.07.31
  4. 國科會專題研究計畫,網際網路位址為基礎之網際網路拓撲分析 (NSC 94-2416-H-182-005),計畫主持人,2005.08.01~2006.07.31
  5. 國科會專題研究計畫,小世界效應影響之研究—以台灣學術網路為例 (NSC 93-2416-H-182-009),計畫主持人,2004.08.01~2005.07.31


(A) 期刊論文

  1. Neng-Pin Lu (2021) “A hierarchical walk-based measure of centrality based on reachability between strongly connected components in a digraph,” The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 45(1), 51-64. DOI: 10.1080/0022250X.2020.1711753. (SSCI)
  2. Neng-Pin Lu (2019) “Using principal eigenvectors of adjacency matrices with added diagonal weights to compose centrality measures and identify bowtie structures for a digraph,” The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 43(3), 164-178. DOI: 10.1080/0022250X.2018.1555827. (SSCI)
  3. Neng-Pin Lu (2017) “Aggregating nonnegative eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix as a measure of centrality for a directed graph,” The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 41(3), 139-154. DOI: 10.1080/0022250X.2017.1328680. (SSCI)
  4. Neng-Pin Lu (2016) “Using Eigenvectors of Perturbed and Collapsed Adjacency Matrices to Explore Bowtie Structures in Directed Networks,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 39(8), 936-945. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2016.1225517. (SCI)
  5. Neng-Pin Lu (2015) “Exploring Network Structures via Blockmodeling of the Shortest-path-length Matrix,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 38(8), 1080-1089. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2015.1047800. (SCI)
  6. 盧能彬,2014,『應用特徵分析探索有向網絡之拓撲結構』,電子商務學報,第十六卷,第四期,461-490頁。(TSSCI)
  7. 盧能彬,2014,『為網絡可達性分析之區塊模式化擴展』,電子商務學報,第十六卷,第二期,175-198頁。(TSSCI)
  8. 盧能彬,2013,『部落格空間之核心社群探索』,電子商務學報,第十五卷,第二期,235-264頁。(TSSCI)
  9. 盧能彬,黃馨儀,2013,『部落格與社會性書籤之標籤使用樣式比較』,圖書與資訊學刊,第五卷,第一期,44-68頁。
  10. 盧能彬,2012,『台灣部落格空間之網絡變遷分析』,資訊社會研究,第二十三期,36-65頁。
  11. 盧能彬,黃士瑋,2012,『一個社會性書籤網站之探索分析』,圖書與資訊學刊,第四卷,第一期,76-95頁。
  12. 盧能彬,黃士瑋,李珮琪,2010,『以K-核心分析探索部落格社群之變遷』,圖書館學與資訊科學,第三十六卷,第一期,52-66頁。
  13. Neng-Pin Lu and Shu-Chun Lin, 2009, “An Analysis of Internet Topology via Traceroute Sampling,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 123-128. (SCI)
  14. 盧能彬,倪運樟,竺士弘,2007,『雅虎!奇摩拍賣之人際網路拓撲分析』,電子商務學報,第九卷,第四期,801-822頁。(TSSCI)
  15. 盧能彬,蘇文慧,2007,『部落格群落之網絡分析—以BLOG鄉村台灣站為例』,資訊、科技與社會學報,第七卷,第二期,63-80頁。
  16. 盧能彬,陳俊仰,2007,『P2P-Blog:一個對等式的部落格系統』,中華民國資訊學會通訊,第十卷,第三期,37-50頁。
  17. 盧能彬,廖真慶,楊漢鵬,2005,『P2P-Storage:一個高可用度的對等式儲存系統』,中華民國資訊學會通訊,第八卷,第三期,33-47頁。
  18. Ching-Wen Chen, Neng-Pin Lu, and Chung-Ping Chung, 2003, “3-Disjoint Gamma Interconnection Networks,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 129-134. (SCI)
  19. R-Ming Shiu, Neng-Pin Lu, and Chung-Ping Chung, 2000, “Applying Stack Simulation for Branch Target Buffers,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 67-78. (SCI)
  20. Ching-Wen Chen, Neng-Pin Lu, Tien-Fu Chen, and Chung-Ping Chung, 2000, “Fault-Tolerant Gamma Interconnection Networks by Chaining,” IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 147, No. 2, pp. 75-80. (SCI)
  21. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, July 1998, “Parallelism Exploitation in Superscalar Multiprocessing,” IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 145, No. 4, pp. 255-264. (SCI)
  22. Tang-Show Hwang, Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1996, “Delay Precise Invalidation—A Software Cache Coherence Scheme,” IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 143, No. 5, Sept 1996, pp. 337-344. (SCI)
  23. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1996, “A Fault Tolerant Multistage Combining Network,”Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 34, No. pp. 14-28. (SCI)
  24. Neng-Ping Lu and Chung-Ping, 1995, “Memory System Design in Superscalar Processing,”International Journal of High Speed Computing, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 421-443.

(B) 研討會論文

  1. 盧能彬,趙彧穀,2009,『部落格社群之聚合次團體分析』,第二十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,pp. 2018-2027。
  2. 盧能彬,林正豐,2007,『電子佈告欄社群之網絡分析-以批踢踢實業坊為例』,2007商業管理研討會。
  3. 盧能彬,陳家訓,2007,『中文維基百科之無尺度現象分析』,2007知識社群與資訊安全學術研討會。
  4. 盧能彬,蘇文慧,2007,『部落格核心網絡之分析-以Blog鄉村台灣站為例』,2007資訊科技國際研討會。
  5. 盧能彬,竺士弘,2007,『80/20法則於Yahoo!奇摩拍賣之印證』,2007電子商務與數位生活研討會,pp. 131-146。
  6. 盧能彬,陳俊仰,2006,『P2PBLOG: 一個對等式的部落格系統』,TANET2006台灣網際網路研討會。
  7. 盧能彬,楊漢鵬,2006,『以物件導向技術設計與實作之對等式Java平行計算系統』,第十七屆物件導向技術及應用研討會。
  8. Neng-Pin Lu and Shu-Chun Lin, 2005, “Internet Topological Properties Analysis and Performance Improvement,” Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 2005.
  9. 盧能彬,林芳瑜,楊漢鵬,2005,『運用Java之對等式平行計算中介軟體之設計』,中華民國九十四年全國計算機會議。
  10. 盧能彬,陳俊仰,2005,『部落格社群網絡之初步分析-以「BLOG鄉村台灣站」為例』,第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會。
  11. 盧能彬,楊漢鵬,2005,『利用設計樣式建構對等式運算系統:以N-Queen問題為例』,第六屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會。
  12. Neng-Pin Lu, Kuo-Yuan Liao, Chun-Yang Chen, and Shu-Chun Lin, 2005, “Analyzing Small-world Effect in TANet,” 2005 Taiwan conference on Business and Information.
  13. 盧能彬,廖真慶,楊漢鵬,2005,『對等式網路中高可用度儲存系統之建置』,2005商管與資訊研討會。
  14. 盧能彬,林芳瑜,2005,『對等式Java平行計算架構之設計』,第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,p. 218。
  15. 盧能彬,倪運樟,吳宏毅,2005,『雅虎!奇摩拍賣虛擬社群之網路拓撲初探』,2005企業經營管理學術研討會,p. 40。
  16. 盧能彬,林淑君,2005,『網際網路拓撲初步分析--以Fortune Global 500為例』,2005企業經營管理學術研討會,p. 36。
  17. 盧能彬,廖真慶,2003,『對等式網路中資料儲存技術之設計與研究』,第三屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會,pp. 2013-2020。
  18. 盧能彬,許勝涵,2003,『個人電腦叢集中光跡追蹤成像法之平行化』,中華民國九十二年全國計算機會議。
  19. 盧能彬,吳宏毅,2003,『拍賣網站之虛擬社群研究—以雅虎奇摩拍賣為例』,第一屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會。
  20. 盧能彬,廖國淵,2002,『台灣網域下電子商務網站之小世界效應影響初步研究』,2002電子商務經營管理研討會。
  21. 盧能彬,許勝涵,2001,『應用平行處理技術於高產能及負載平衡之搜尋引擎設計』,中國工業工程學會九十年度年會暨學術研討會。
  22. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1997, “Parallelism Exploitation in Superscalar Multiprocessing,” Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1997, pp. C-82 – C-88.
  23. Kelvin Lin, Neng-Pin Lu, Yeong-Chang Maa, and Chung-Ping Chung, 1996, “Enhancing The SCI Cache Coherence Protocol for Multiprocessor Clusters,” Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Architecture, pp. 185-192.
  24. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1996, “Evaluating Cache-Coherent Write-Policies for Speculative Memory Accesses,” Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 91-98.
  25. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1996, “Speculative Store in Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors,” Proceedings of 1996
  26. International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications, 9-12 April 1996, pp. 81-88.
  27. Chung-Ping Chung and Neng-Pin Lu, 1995, “A Speculative Memory Access Technique: Speculative Store,” 八十四年度陸軍官校電機資訊基礎學術研討會, pp.159-166.
  28. Kelvin Lin, Neng-Pin Lu, Yeong-Chang Maa, Pei Ouyang and Chung-Ping Chung, 1995, “A Cache Coherence Protocol for Clustered Multiprocessors,” 1995 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications, pp. 51-57.
  29. Hong-Shie Yeng, Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1995, “Data Prefectching in Multithreaded Mutliprocessing Environment”, Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, Vol. I, pp. 138-147.
  30. Chung-Ping Chung, Neng-Pin Lu and Tang-Show Hwang, 1995, “Study of Memory system Design for Superscalar Multiprocessors,” 1995 Workshop on High Performance Multiprocessor Systems, pp. 3-7.
  31. Tang-Show Hwang, Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1994, “A Software-Based Cache Coherence Scheme with Delay Invalidation,” Proceedings of 1994 Workshop on Advanced Information Systems, pp. 47-67.
  32. Neng-Ping Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1994, “Memory System Design Supporting Speculative Store,” Proceedings of 1994 Workshop on Computer Application, pp. 33-37.
  33. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1994, “A Cache Coherence Protocol for Speculative Execution in Multiprocessors,” International Computer Symposium, pp. 179-186.
  34. Neng-Pin Lu and Chung-Ping Chung, 1993, “Memory System Design in Superscalar Processing,” in Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1993, Vol. I, pp. 95-105.