王日昌 助理教授


分機:(03)2118800 轉 5821

1999.2-迄今 長庚大學資訊管理學系助理教授
1998.8-1999.1 義守大學資訊管理學系助理教授
1997.8-1998.7 交通大學能源暨環境研究小組博士後研究員
1991.1-1991.12 精華電腦電腦講師
1988.1-1990.12 定勤貿易集團電腦系統分析師
1988.1-1989.12 哈佛電腦訓練中心電腦講師
1987.1-1988.12 階梯電腦電腦工程師
1987.1-1987.12 捷達資訊電腦講師



  1. 王日昌,「離散型Particle Swarm Optimization與-fuzzy measure在能力集合交互作用分析上之應用」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 94-2416-H-182-004,執行期限自2005年8月至2006年7月。
  2. 王日昌,「模糊測度與模糊推論在車輛路線問題之研究」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 93-2416-H-182-007,執行期限自2004年8月至2005年8月。
  3. 陳亭羽、王日昌,整合型子計畫:「企業營業及行銷管理個案研究(4/4)」,總計畫名稱:「現代管理理論個案製作與新式教學方法之研究」(總計畫主持人:吳壽山),教育部「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」乙類-提升大學基礎教育計畫,EARPD3C35,執行期限自2004年9月至2005年8月。
  4. 王日昌,「國內物流運籌協同共用平台分析與建議」,台北市電腦商業同業公會產學合作研究計畫,SARPD2T01,執行期限自2004年3月至2004年10月。
  5. 王日昌,整合型子計畫:「養生文化村專案子計畫二:客戶關係管理」,長庚醫學研究計畫,CARPD32004,執行期限自2003年9月至2004年8月。
  6. 陳亭羽、王日昌,整合型子計畫:「企業營業及行銷管理個案研究(3/4)」,總計畫名稱:「現代管理理論個案製作與新式教學方法之研究」(總計畫主持人:吳壽山),教育部「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」乙類-提升大學基礎教育計畫,EARPD2C35,執行期限自2003年9月至2004年8月。
  7. 王日昌,「以非線性最佳化方法求解lambda模糊測度與web求解軟體的開發」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 92-2416-H- 182-009,執行期限自2003年8月至2004年7月。
  8. 陳亭羽、王日昌,整合型子計畫:「企業營業及行銷管理個案研究(2/4)」,總計畫名稱:「現代管理理論個案製作與新式教學方法之研究」(總計畫主持人:吳壽山),教育部「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」乙類-提升大學基礎教育計畫,EARPD1C25,執行期限自2002年9月至2003年8月。
  9. 陳亭羽、王日昌,整合型子計畫:「企業營業及行銷管理個案研究(1/4)」,總計畫名稱:「現代管理理論個案製作與新式教學方法之研究」(總計畫主持人:吳壽山),教育部「大學學術追求卓越發展計畫」乙類-提升大學基礎教育計畫,EARPD0A14,執行期限自2001年9月至2002年8月。
  10. 王日昌,「利用模糊測度構建網站選擇行為之態度模式--以華人入口網站為例」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 90-2416-H- 182-008-SSS,執行期限自2001年8月至2002年7月。
  11. 陳亭羽、王日昌,整合型子計畫:「長庚台塑企業營業及行銷管理個案研究」,總計畫名稱:「長庚台塑企業管理個案研究」(總計畫主持人:詹錦宏),長庚醫學研究計畫,CMRP 1072,執行期限自2001年4月至2002年3月。
  12. 王日昌,「網路行銷中消費行為之轉移障礙分析--以醫療產品為例」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 89-2416-H-182-012- SSS,執行期限自2000年8月至2001年7月。
  13. 陳亭羽、王日昌,「電子商務與物流體系之搭配策略研究--以實體商品、數位商品、資訊商品為例」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 89-2213-E- 182-023,執行期限自2000年8月至2001年7月。
    王日昌,「盜版軟體之消費行為分析」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,NSC 89-2416-H-182-006,執行期限自1999年8月至2000年7月。
  14. 曾國雄、陳亭羽、王日昌,「社會大眾與公私污染源對空氣污染之態度與行為的分析」,八十八年度空污費科技計畫,AP 611_P08,執行期限自1998年7月至1999年6月,計136頁。


(A) 期刊論文

  1. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2022).  An uncertain multiple-criteria choice method on grounds of T-spherical fuzzy data-driven correlation measures.   Informatica, 33 (4), 857-899.
  2. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2021).  A T-spherical fuzzy ELECTRE approach for multiple criteria assessment problem from a comparative perspective of score functions.   Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 41 (2), 3751–3770.
  3. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2020).  A novel Pythagorean fuzzy LINMAP-based compromising approach for multiple criteria group decision-making with preference over alternatives.   International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 13 (1), 444-463.
  4. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2018).  Multiple criteria decision analysis using correlation-based precedence indices within Pythagorean fuzzy uncertain environments.   International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 11 (1), 911-924.
  5. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2015).  A simulated annealing-based permutation method and experimental analysis for multiple criteria decision analysis with interval type-2 fuzzy sets.   Applied Soft Computing, 36, 57-69.
  6. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2015).  An interval type-2 fuzzy permutation method and experimental analysis for multiple criteria decision analysis with incomplete preference information.   Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32 (5), 298-310.
  7. Wang, J., Tsao, C.-Y., & Chen, T. (2015).  A likelihood-based QUALIFLEX method with interval type-2 fuzzy sets for multiple criteria decision analysis.   Soft Computing, 19 (8), 2225-2243.
  8. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2015).  Likelihood-based assignment methods for multiple criteria decision analysis based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets.   Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 14 (4), 425-457.
  9. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2014).  A closeness coefficient-based multiple criteria decision-making method using interval type-2 fuzzy sets and its application to watershed site selection.   Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 31 (1), 1-16.
  10. Wang, J., & Chen, T. (2014).  Approach to multiple criteria group decision-making with incompletely identified information based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets.   Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 18 (2), 131-149.
  11. Chen, T., Wang, H.-P., & Wang, J. (2012).  Fuzzy automata based on Atanassov fuzzy sets and applications on consumers' advertising involvement.   African Journal of Business Management, 6 (3), 865-880.
  12. Chen, T., & Wang, J. (2012).  Intuitionistic fuzzy decision analysis with dissonance reduction for optimistic/pessimistic decision makers.   Pan-Pacific Management Review, 15 (2), 99-129.
  13. Chen, T., & Wang, J. (2012).  An interactive procedure for interval type-2 fuzzy decision making with incomplete information and applications to site selection.   Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 12 (1), 17-48.
  14. Chen, T.-Y., & Wang, J. (2009).  Interval-valued fuzzy permutation method and experimental analysis on cardinal and ordinal evaluations.   Journal of Computer and System Sciences.
  15. Sheng,, H.-M., Wang, J.-C, Huang, H.-H., & Yen, D.C. (2006).  Fuzzy measure on vehicle routing problem of hospital materials.   Expert Systems with Applications.
  16. Wang, J., & Chen, T.-Y. (2005).  Experimental analysis of λ-fuzzy measure identification by evolutionary algorithms.   International Journal of Fuzzy Systems.
  17. Chen, T.-Y., & Wang, J. (2001).  Identification of λ-fuzzy measures using sampling design and genetic algorithms.   Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
  18. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2001).  Using genetic algorithms to identify fuzzy measures for multiple attribute decision making.   Pan-Pacific Management Review.
  19. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J., & Tzeng, G.-H. (2000).  Identification of general fuzzy measure by genetic algorithm based on partial information.   IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics.
  20. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J., & Tzeng, G.-H. (1999).  Dynamic analysis of importance-assessing for evaluation criteria using habitual domain theory (in Chinese).   Journal of Management (in chinese).
  21. Tzeng,, G.-H., Chen, T.-Y., & Wang, J. (1998).  A weight-assessing method with habitual domains.   European Journal of Operational Research.
  22. Tzeng, G.-H., Zhang, S.-L., Wang, J., Xu, G.-Q., & Zhuang, M.-C. (1998).  Applications of fuzzy multi-objective programming on economic-energy-environment models (in Chinese).   Journal of Management (in chinese).


(B) 研討會論文
  1. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J.-C., and Tsui, C.-W. (2007), “Decision model with permutation methods based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets,” Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (APIEMS & CIIE 2007), December 9-12, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 243-250.
  2. Wang, J.-C., and Chen, T.-Y. (2006), “Bisection algorithms for solving -fuzzy measures,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology (FTT 2006) in conjunction with the 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS 2006) (ISBN-10: 90-78677-01-5; ISBN-13: 978-90-78677-01-7), October 8-11, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 1148-1151. (EI indexed)
  3. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (2006), “Reducing positive leniency in fuzzy measure ratings,” Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology (FTT 2006) in conjunction with the 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS 2006) (ISBN-10: 90-78677-01-5; ISBN-13: 978-90-78677-01-7), October 8-11, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 1164-1167. (EI indexed)
  4. 王日昌、田昀宗、張勝威、呂長融(2006),「運用類神經網路於中醫哮喘之診斷」,第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨2006年作業研究理論與實務學術研討會(ORSTW 2006)論文集,中壢市,第ORSTW_062-1~ORSTW _062-7頁。
  5. 陳亭羽、王日昌(2006),「以習慣領域與能力集合闡釋中國傳統計策」,第二屆華人管理本土化之昇華國際學術研討會論文集,1月16-18日,香港城市大學,香港,第161-180頁。(收錄於專書:「華人管理本土化之昇華」,游漢明編著,ISBN:962-442-276-1)
  6. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (2005), “An inquiry into the travel website performance and client-side functions from the viewpoint of eCRM and balanced scorecards -- cases in Taiwan market,” Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS 2005) (on CD-ROM), December 4-7, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines, TA3-1~TA3-10.
  7. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (2005), “An importance-assessing method with fuzzy number-valued fuzzy measures,” Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS 2005) (on CD-ROM), December 4-7, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines, WE1-1~WE1-8.
  8. Liu, T.-C., and Wang, J.-C. (2005), “A discrete particle swarm optimizer for graphic presentation of GMDH network,” International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2005), October 10-12, Hawaii, USA. (Conference Presentation)
  9. Wang, J.-C., Liu, T.-C., and Chen, T.-Y. (2005), “A multi-level sequential particle swarm optimizer for visualization of GMDH neural network,” 2005 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2005), July 14-15, Hong Kong. (Conference Presentation)
  10. Wang, J.-C., Chen, T.-Y., and Liu, E. (2005), “Applying -fuzzy measures to expand competence sets--case of market segments moving,” 2005 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2005), July 14-15, Hong Kong. (Conference Presentation)
  11. 王日昌、林國暉、賀千盈、廖享進、陳韋函(2003),「台塑網ERP系統非侵入式監測模組之開發」,第三屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會論文集,桃園縣,第1-4頁。
  12. 王日昌、游志偉(2003),「台塑網ERP年度財務目標規劃作業」,第三屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會論文集,桃園縣,第10-13頁。
  13. 陳亭羽、王日昌、鄭延蕙、陳蓉蓉(2002),「醫院資材供應商評選之二階段決策模式」,2002電子商務經營管理研討會論文集,台中市,第62-67頁。
  14. 王日昌、陳亭羽、阮呂正璽、郭哲佑(2002),「多目標進化式類神經網路」,CFSA 2002中華民國第十屆模糊理論及其應用會議論文集,新竹市,第D3_26~D3_30頁。
  15. 陳亭羽、王日昌、黎高維、田昀宗(2002),「注意力調度之刺激因子探討及其在網際網路廣告之應用」,中華民國習慣領域學會第十屆論文研討會論文集,新竹市,第8~18頁。
  16. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J.-C., and Tzeng, G.-H. (2002), “Exploring decision making process based on competence set analysis,” The 5th International Conference on Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Theory & Applications (MOPGP'02), June 4-7, Nara, Japan. (Conference Presentation)
  17. 陳亭羽、王日昌、鄭延蕙(2002),「應用模糊測度發展供應商選擇模式」,2002產業電子化運籌管理學術暨實務研討會論文集,桃園縣,第144-149頁。
  18. 王日昌、陳亭羽、沈桓民(2002),「週期性車輛路線問題應用於收攬作業之研究」,2002產業電子化運籌管理學術暨實務研討會論文集,桃園縣,第158-162頁。
  19. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J.-C., and Tzeng, G.-H. (2002), “Assessing measurement scales for the construct of consumer involvement,” MCDM Winter Conference (16th MCDM World Conference), February 18-25, Semmering, Austria. (Conference Presentation)
  20. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (2001), “Using the behavior mechanism to explore behavior modification techniques,” Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Habitual Domains, Taipei, 7-1~7-12.
  21. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J.-C., Cheng, Y.-H., and Chen, Y.-C. (2001), “Reducing information demand of -fuzzy measure identification,” Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Chungli, 30-35.
  22. Wang, J.-C., Chen, T.-Y., and Shen, H.-M. (2001), “Using fuzzy densities to determine the -value for -fuzzy measures,” Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Chungli, 54-59.
  23. Wang, J.-C., Chen, T.-Y., and LnLu, C.-H. (2001), “Apply genetic algorithms on effective expansion of competence sets,” Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Chungli, 471-476.
  24. 陳亭羽、陳輝雄、王日昌(2000),「員工思維模式與組織扶助系統--習慣領域理論在人力資源管理的應用」,中華民國習慣領域學會第八屆論文研討會論文集,台北市,第5-1~5-20頁。
  25. 陳亭羽、王日昌(2000),「利用能力集合進行消費者決策階段分析」,中華民國習慣領域學會第八屆論文研討會論文集,台北市,第11-1~11-20頁。
  26. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (2000), “Apply genetic algorithms on -fuzzy measure identification,” Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Tanshui, 23-27.
  27. Chen, T.-Y., and Wang, J.-C. (1999), “Using competence sets to analyze the principal-agent problem,” Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Habitual Domains, Hsinchu, 63-71.
  28. 陳亭羽、陳輝雄、王日昌(1998),「拓展習慣領域全面提升服務品質」,中華民國習慣領域學會第六屆論文研討會論文集,台北市,第54-67頁。
  29. 陳亭羽、王日昌、曾國雄(1997),「以習慣領域分析瓦斯車推動政策之民意趨向——以台北市瓦斯計程車為例」,中華民國習慣領域學會第五屆論文研討會論文集,台北市,第49-68頁。
  30. 曾國雄、陳亭羽、王日昌(1996),「經驗效果下能力集合之有效擴展過程設計」,中華民國習慣領域學會第四屆論文研討會論文集,台北市,第156-173頁。
  31. Chen, T.-Y., Wang, J.-C., and Tzeng, G.-H. (1995), “A weight assessing method with habitual domain theory,” Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Habitual Domains, Taipei, 69-85.
  32. Tzeng, G.-H., Wang, J.-C., and Ou, J.-R. (1995), “The selection of power supply system for electric vehicle by using fuzzy multicriteria decision making,” Proceedings of CFSA/IFIS/SOFT’95, Taipei, Taiwan.
  33. Tzeng, G.-H., Wang, J.-C. and Chen, T.-Y. (1995), “A dynamic weight assessing method with habitual domain,” TIMS XXXIII International Meeting, June 25-28, Singapore.
  34. 王日昌、陳亭羽、陳賓權(1994),「以類神經網路解析買車自備停車位對車輛持有與車位選擇行為之影響」,中華民國運輸學會第九屆論文研討會論文集,台南市,第347-354頁。
  35. 曾國雄、鄧振源、楊進財、王日昌(1994),「從交通安全觀點論高速公路空中緊急救護服務設施區位之決策」,中華民國第一屆運輸安全研討會論文集,新竹市,第268-277頁。
  36. 曾國雄、莊秉潔、王日昌、江勁毅(1994),「台北都會區懸浮微粒濃度之預測:GMDH法之應用」,第五屆環境決策與管理研討會論文集,第517-527頁。
  37. Tzeng, G.-H., Tsaur, S.-H., and Wang, J.-C. (1994), “Simulated annealing and multiobjective decision making to the bi-level network design problems,” Proceedings of EURO XIII/OR 36, July 19-22,1994, University of Strathlyde, Glascow, Scotland.
  38. Tzeng, G.-H., and Wang, J.-C. (1994), “MCDM for network design using fuzzy neural networks,” Proceedings of EURO XIII/OR 36, July 19-22,1994, University of Strathlyde, Glascow, Scotland.
  39. 曾國雄、王日昌、邱怡璋(1993),「多屬性模糊群落分析之應用:以學生修課成績為例」,中華民國第一屆模糊理論及其應用會議論文集,新竹市,第386-392頁。
  40. Tzeng, G.-H., and Wang, J.-C. (1993), “The multiple criteria decision making of the power supply system of electric vehicle,” Proceedings of IAEE 15, Bali in Indonesia, 149-168.
  41. Tzeng, G.-H., Wang, J.-C., and Chiu, Y.-C. (1993), “The study of optimal tax adjustment for petroleum products -- the application of multicriteria decision making,” Proceedings of IAEE 15, Bali in Indonesia, 311-327.
  42. 曾國雄、鄧振源、蕭再安、王日昌(1992),「大學入學制度改革方案之評估多評準決策之應用」,大學教育學術研討會,民國81年11月27-28日。