張禾坤 教授(智慧醫創學程教師)


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台灣醫學資訊學會 理事
長庚大學 資訊管理系與企管所合聘 教授
長庚大學 資訊管理系 主任
長庚大學 資訊管理系 教授
長庚大學 資訊管理系 副教授
長庚大學 工商管理系 副教授
長庚醫學暨工程學院 工業管理系 講師
長庚醫學暨工程學院 電機工程系 講師



  1. 長庚醫院 整合型醫療品質套裝指標與流程改善之先趨研究子計劃三~資訊化醫療品質套裝指標作業架構研究 97/2/1~98/1/31 
  2. 國科會 新世代個人化健康資訊管理模式之研究-以腦血管病變病人為例--總計畫(2/3) 96/8/1~97/7/31
  3. 教育部 資通安全學程推廣計畫:資訊與醫療安全學程 95/8/1~96/7/31
  4. 國科會 新世代個人化健康資訊管理模式之研究-以腦血管病變病人為例--總計畫(1/3) 95/8/1~96/7/31


  1. Rong-Rong Chen, Yen-I Chiang, P. Pete Chong, Yung-Hsiu Lin, and Her-Kun Chang, 2011, Rough Set Analysis on Call Center Metrics, in Applied Soft Computing, (Article in Press). (SCI)
  2. Yung-Hsiu Lin, Rong-Rong Chen, Sophie Huey-Ming Guo, Hui-Yu Chang, and Her-Kun Chang, 2011, Developing a Web 2.0 Diabetes Care Support System with Evaluation from Care Provider Perspectives, in Journal of Medical Systems, (Article in Press). (SCI) 
  3. Yung-Hsiu Lin, Rong-Rong Chen, Sophie Huey-Ming Guo, and Her-Kun Chang, 2011, Service Configuration Item: Interaction-Based Framework for Service Description, in International Journal of Computer information Systems and Industrial Management Appplications, (Accepted). (EI)
  4. Gen-Yih Liao, Ta-Wei Shih, P. Pete Chong and Her-Kun Chang, 2008, Internet Language and Community: An Observation, to appear in the International Journal of Innovation and Learning.
  5. Sophie H.M. Guo, P. Pete Chong and Her-Kun Chang, 2007, Mobile Learning in Nursing Practical Training: an Applicability Analysis, in the International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 1, No. 4, 342-354.
  6. 陳蓉蓉, 洪昌億, 陳春賢, 鍾青萍, 馬成珉, 林建雄, 張寓智, 張禾坤, 2006, 決策樹於中西醫腦中風診斷指標結合之應用, 醫療資訊雜誌, Vol. 15, No.2, 1- 16.
  7. 張禾坤, 陳癸文, 施大偉, 馬成珉, 周永明, 2004, 健康照護組織服務流程管理系統之設計-以養生文化村為例, 中山管理評論, Vol. 12, No.6, 119-140. (TSSCI)
  8. Shu-Maan Chang, Ta-Wei Shih, Cherng-Min Ma, Shiow-Ying Wen, Her-Kun Chang, 2004, Strategy of Adopting E-learning Environment - A Case Study in Taiwan, in IEEE Learning Technology newsletter, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 39-41.
  9. 林建雄, 馮曄, 高穎, 陳建霖, 張寓智, 馬成珉, 張禾坤, 李俊霖, 李佳琳, 劉祥仁, 林信光, 2004, 中風病急性期火熱証与西醫診察指標相關性研究, 北京中醫藥大學學報(簡體), Vol. 27, No. 5, 77-79.
  10. 林建雄, 馮曄, 陳建霖, 張寓智, 林鑫烈, 李科宏, 馬成珉, 張禾坤, 2004, 中風病急性期中醫證候分布分析, 北京中醫藥大學學報(簡體), Vol. 27, No. 4, 83-85.
  11. Her-Kun Chang, 2004, Modeling the Effect of Hot Spot Contention on Crossbar Multiprocessors, in Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 26 No. 5, 483-488.
  12. Her-Kun Chang, 2004, Non-Uniform Memory Reference of Multistage Interconnection Networks, in Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 3, 221-227. (SCI)
  13. Cherng-Min Ma, Shu-Yen Wan and Her-Kun Chang, 2002, Extracting medial curves on 3D images, in Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 8, 895-904. (SCI)
  14. Her-Kun Chang, and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 2000, Optimal Binary Vote Assignment for Replicated Data, in Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 53, 73-82. (SCI)
  15. Her-Kun Chang and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 1999, Minimal Cost Replicated File System with an Availability Constraint, in Information Science, Vol. 119, No. 1-2, 107-123. (SCI)
  16. 蔡榮隆, 林俊宏, 鐘錦鈞, 張禾坤, 1998, CORBA & JAVA:未來網際網路計算的基石, 電子月刊, Vol. 35, No. 6, 96-108.
  17. Shyan-Ming Yuan and Her-Kun Chang, 1996, Leader Election in a Hypercube, in The International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, Vol. 18, No. 2, 100-102.
  18. Shyan-Ming Yuan and Her-Kun Chang, 1995, Message Complexity of the Tree Quorum Algorithm, in IEEE Trans. Parallel & Distributed Systems, Vol. 6, No. 8, 887-890. (SCI)
  19. Her-Kun Chang and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 1995, Performance Characterization of the Tree Quorum Algorithm, in IEEE Trans. Parallel & Distributed Systems, Vol. 6, No. 6, 658-662. (SCI)
  20. Shyan-Ming Yuan and Her-Kun Chang, 1994, Comments on [Availability of k-coterie], in IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. 43, No. 12, 1457-1457. (SCI)
  21. Her-Kun Chang and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 1994, An Efficient Algorithm of Evaluating the Avaiability of Multidimensional Voting, in Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, 21-24. (SCI)
  22. Her-Kun Chang and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 1994, Message Complexity of Hierarchical Quorum Consensus Algorithm, in Information Processing Letters, Vol. 50, 69-73. (SCI)
  23. Her-Kun Chang and Shyan-Ming Yuan, 1993, The Bandwidth of Crossbars for General Reference Model, in Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 21, 1837-1838. (SCI)