張文珍 副教授


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國立交通大學 工業工程與管理博士
專長領域: 醫療服務品質、資訊行為、服務科學、產能管理、品質工程

大華技術學院工管系 專任助理教授
大華技術學院工管系 專任講師
菱生精密工業股份有限公司 生管工程師
大東樹脂化學股份有限公司 品保工程師



  1. 建構及評估聊天機器人於兒童口腔健康之促進:結合行為改變輪及健康信念理論,國科會,主持人,2021/08/01~2022/10/31.
  2. 牙科醫療服務智慧健康場景之規劃與評估,科技部,主持人,2020/08/01~2021/10/31.
  3. 資訊輔助對口腔衛生促進之成效分析:以行為改變技術為基礎,科技部,主持人,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/10/31.
  4. 長照機構之照護服務資訊系統規劃及其與醫療資訊系統之介接需求分析(I),科技部,主持人,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/10/31.
  5. 考慮多類型病患及多項處置程序之牙科門診預約規劃國科會,科技部,主持人,2016/8/1 ~ 2017/10/31.
  6. 醫療系統之服務產能規劃—以牙科醫療服務為例(II),科技部,計畫主持人,2015/8/1 ~ 2016/10/31.
  7. 醫療系統之服務產能規劃—以牙科醫療服務為例(I),科技部,計畫主持人,2014/8/1 ~ 2015/07/31.
  8. 結合服務品質模式與資料探勘技術於牙科病患就醫行為之分析,科技部,主持人,2012/8/1 ~ 2014/07/31.
  9. 回收率與回收價格相依之生產/再製造最式存貨政策,長庚大學研究計畫,主持人,2011/07/01 ~ 2012/06/30.
  10. 以KANO品質模式探討牙科醫療服務品質及提升其滿意度—以長庚醫院一般牙科為例,科技部,主持人,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/07/31.
  11. 利用協同規劃模式建立晶圓廠跨廠產能支援機制,長庚大學研究計畫,主持人,2010/01/01 ~ 2010/12/31.


  1. Chen C-H, Chang W-J, Chen Y-S, Chen K-H, Huang S-F, Hsueh H-R, Li C-B, Lin C-L*. Development of a novel hybrid suture anchor for osteoporosis by integrating titanium 3D printing and traditional machining. International Journal of Bioprinting, 8, 4, 161-171, 2022.
  2. Chang W-J*, Wang Y-L, Chang Y-H, Lo S-Y. Effectiveness of an App-Based Mobile Intervention for Precision Oral Self-Care in Patients with Periodontitis from Initial Therapy to Re-Evaluation. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11, 4229.
  3. Chang W-J*, Lo S-Y, Kuo C-L, Wang Y-L, Hsiao H-C. Development of an intervention tool for precision oral self-care: Personalized and evidence-based practice for patients with periodontal disease. PLoS One 14(11): e0225453, 2019.
  4. Chang W-J*, Chang Y-H. Design of a patient-centered appointment scheduling with artificial neural network and discrete event simulation. Journal of Service Science and Management 11: 71-82, 2018.
  5. Chang W-J, Chang Y-H, Wang H, Lin C-L. Comparison of proximal in vitro tooth contacts in class ii restorations with different restorative materials and cavity sizes using a new measurement device. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 15 (4), DOI: 10.1142/S0219519415500578, 2015.
  6. Chang W-J*, Chang Y-H, Hsiao H-C. Effects of the hospital gradation system on patient behavior and satisfaction: an investigation of dental health care. Iranian Journal of Public Health 44: 287-289, 2015.
  7. Yu J-H, Lin Y-S, Chang W-J. Chang Y-Z, Lin C-L.* Mechanical effects of micro-thread orthodontic mini-screw design on artificial cortical bone. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 34 (1): 49-55, 2014.
  8. Chang W-J*, Chang Y-H. Identifying key drivers of patient satisfaction in dental service. Journal of Dental Sciences 8 (3): 239-247, 2013.
  9. W.J. Chang*, Y.H. Chang, H.C. Hsiao, "Effects of the hospital gradation system on patient behavior and satisfaction: an investigation of dental health care," Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 44 (2), pp. 287-289, 2015. (SSCI/SCI).
  10. W.J. Chang*, Y.S. Chang, "Identifying key drivers of patient satisfaction in dental service," Journal of Dental Sciences, Vol. 8 (3), pp.239-247, 2013. (SCI).
  11. C.L. Lin, Y.H. Chang, S.K. Hsieh, W.J. Chang*, "Estimation of the Failure Risk of a Maxillary Premolar with Different Crack Depths with Endodontic Treatment by Computer-aided Design/Computer-aided Manufacturing Ceramic Restorations," Journal of Endodontics, Vol. 39 (3), pp.375-379, 2013. (SCI).
  12. W.J. Chang*, K.X. Chen, C.L. Lin, "Optimal pricing problem of a closed-loop supply chain with remanufacturing," Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 709, pp.770-774, 2013. (EI).
  13. W.J. Chang*, Y.H. Chang, C.H. Wu, "Combining quality engineering method and FE analysis to evaluate the relative contributions of multiple factors in posterior resin-bonded fixed partial denture retainer design," Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.30(2), pp. 105-111, 2010. (SCI).
  14. C.L. Lin, W.J. Chang, Y.S. Lin, Y.H. Chang, Y.F. Lin, "Evaluation of the relative contributions of multi-factors in an adhesive MOD restoration using FEA and the Taguchi method," Dental Materials, Vol.25, pp.1073-1081, 2009. (SCI)
  15. M.C. Wu, W.J. Chang, "A multiple criteria decision for trading capacity between two semiconductor fabs,"Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.35-3, pp.938-945, 2008. (SCI).
  16. M.C. Wu, J.H. Jiang and W.J. Chang, "Scheduling a hybrid MTO/MTS semiconductor fab with machine-dedication feature," International Journal of production Economics, Vol.112, pp.416-426, 2008. (SCI).
  17. C.L. Lin, J.C. Wang, W.J. Chang, "Biomechanical interactions in tooth-implant supported fixed partial denture with variations in the number of splinted teeth and connector type: a finite element analysis," Clinical Oral Implants Research, Vol. 19, pp.107-117, 2008. (SCI).
  18. M.C. Wu, W.J. Chang*, "A short-term capacity trading method for semiconductor fabs with partnership," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.33, pp.476-483, 2007. (SCI).
  19. C.L. Lin, S.H. Chang, W.J. Chang, Y.C. Kuo, "Factorial analysis of variables influencing mechanical characteristics of a single tooth implant placed in the maxilla using FEA and statistics-based Taguchi method," European Journal of Oral Sciences, Vol. 115, pp.408-416, 2007. (SCI).
  20. C.L. Lin, S.H. Chang, J.C. Wang, W.J. Chang, "Mechanical interactions of an implant/tooth-supported system under different periodontal supports and number of splinted teeth with rigid and non-rigid connections," Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 34, pp.682-691, 2006. (SCI).
  21. C.L. Lin, Y.S. Chang, W.J. Chang, M.S. Cheng, "Evaluation of a reinforced slot design for CEREC system to restore extensively compromised premolars," Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 34, pp.221-229, 2006. (SCI).
  22. W.J. Chang, and C.H. Tsai, "A two-echelon inventory model for single-vender and multi-buyer system through common replenishment epochs," International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 10-3, pp.48-58, 2002.


  1. Li C-H, Chang W-J, Wang Y-T, Wu CH, Lin C-L. Weighting Topology Optimization Method Development for Mandible Reconstruction under Multi-occlusal Force Conditions. The XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgory, Canada, Jul. 31- Aug. 4, 2019.
  2. Chang W-J, Chang Y-H. Implementation of Behavior Change Techniques in Mobile Application for Oral Self-care. The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Management (2019ICHM), Taoyuan, Taiwan, Jun. 9-11, 2019.
  3. Chang W-J, Chang Y-H. Designing appointment system templates: a simulation study for dental care service. International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 22-24, 2018.
  4. Wang Y-T, Huang S-F, Fang Y-T, Wang P-F, Chang W-J, Yang S-W, Lin C-L. Structural strength evaluation of an anatomical thin mesh plate for zygomatic-maxillary complex fracture. The 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (2018WCB), Dublin, Ireland, July 8-12, 2018.
  5. Chang W-J, Chang Y-H, Wang B-H, Lin C-L. Design of Outpatient Appointment System for Dental Clinic: A Case Study, International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 5-6, 2017.
  6. Lin Y-S, Chang W-J, Wu C-H, Liu P-Y, Lin C-L. Evaluation of the capability of an innovative multi-axial mandibular distraction for in vivo rabbit study, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Sapporo, Japan, Oct 18-20, 2017.
  7. Lin C-L, Chang W-J, Wang Y-T, Hsu P-H. Customized Orthodontic Mini-screw Surgical Template Design and Manufacture, The 4th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2016 (ICIAE2016), Beppu, Japan Mar. 26-30, 2016.
  8. Chang W-J, Chang Y-H, Lin C-L. “Analyzing patient value by modifying RFM model with consideration of the limitation of service throughput: an investigation of dental health care”, The 4th International Conference on Informatics & Applications, Takamatsu, Japan, 2015.
  9. 張微喬, 張文珍, 張晏祥(2015年06月)。傳統顧客價值分析模式適合醫療服務系統嗎?2015年國際醫學資訊聯合研討會,台灣桃園。
  10. W.J. Chang, M.C. Wu and C.L. Lin, “A collaborative model for capacity planning between two semiconductor fabs in a short term”, The 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), Kitakyushu, Japan, 2009.
  11. C.L. Lin, W.J. Chang and Y.S. Lin, “Evaluation of the relative contributions of orthodontic mini-screw design factors using FE analysis and the Taguchi method”, The 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), Kitakyushu, Japan, 2009.
  12. C.L. Lin, W.J. Chang, “Factorial analysis of variables influencing mechanical characteristics of a dental implant using FEA and statistics-based Taguchi method”, The 6th International Symposium on Titanium in Dentistry, Kyoto, Japan,2007.
  13. Y. H. Chang, W.J. Chang, C.L. Lin, “Evaluations of a reinforced slot design for CAD/CAM system restoration”, IADR, Brisbane, Australia, 2006.
  14. 熊雅意、張文珍,應用模糊理論於人員任用之決策,第十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,高雄,2006。