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* Professor,Department of Information Management, Chang-Gung University (CGU)
* Professor, Graduate Institute of Business and Management, CGU
* Adjunct Professor, Department of Visual Communication Design, Ming-Chi University of Technology
* Adjunct Research Fellow, Administration, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
* Chair of Program of CGU Data Science with Industrial Applications for Big Data
* Chair of Program of CGU Program of Internet of Things with Industrial Innovative Applications
* Chair of Program of CGU Information Security with Medical Applications
* Director of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics (TAMI)
* Director of Chinese Cryptology & Information Security Association (CCISA)
* Chair of Membership Committee, CCISA
* Secretary General of Association of Cyber Forensics Development in Taiwan,
* Information Security Expert of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation
* President of The Alumni Association of Dept. Information Management at NTUST
* Auditor of Department of Cyber Security at Executive Yuan, Republic of Taiwan
* Member of HARC, IISCRC, and TWISC Research Centers
* Visiting Professor of EE&CS Department of University of Central Florida, United States (2012~2013)
* Certificates: CEH, CEI, ISO 27001, CHFI, ISO 17025
IM 2205 Data Stuctures
IMM499 Advanced Information Security
IMM107 Mobile Commerce Security and Applications
SBM 422 Information Management
SBM401 Research Topics on Information Management
SBM442 Big Data Prectices in Industries
SBM404 Information Security
Research Interests
Smart Home ,Mobile Commence ,Computer and Communication Security ,Information Security ,Applied Cryptography ,Healthcare ,Digital Right Management ,Auto Identification Technology ,User Centered Services
Academic Degrees
PhD Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2002
MBA Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technolog, 1997
BS Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 1995
Honors and Awards
Included in 2008 Marquis Who's Who in the World
Best Research Award, Chang Gung University, 2006
Master Dissertation Supervision Award, Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM), Taiwan, R.O.C., 2006
Professional Certifications
Information Security Management System BS 7799/ISO 27001 (2005) Lead Auditor (Certificate No: BSI/TRAIN/ISO27001/LA070609)
Professional Expeiences
Session Chair, the 2009 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education, Singapore
Session Chair, 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008), Taiwan
Session Chair, 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008)
Organizing Committee Member, The 3rd Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2008)
Session Chair, 2008 International Nursing Informatics Symposium in Taiwan (NIST2008)
Member, Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM)
Member, Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA)
Journal Papers
Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Universal Forgery Attack on a Strong Designated Verifier Signature Scheme,” The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 11, No. 5, September, 2014.
Chuang, Y.H., Shu, W., Hsu, K.C., and Hsu, C.L., “A Novel Communication Protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks for a Home Healthcare System in Aging Society,” Advanced Science Letters (ASL)(Accepted).
Chuang, Y.H., and Hsu, C.L., “A Robust Dynamic Access Control Scheme in a User Hierarchy Based on One-Way Hash Functions,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 15, No. 2, March, 2014, pp. 197-201.
Hsu, C.L., Chuang, Y.H., and Hung, M.T., “An Efficient Deniable Authentication Protocol from Pairings to Protect Users’ Privacy,” Chiang Mai Journal of Science (Accepted), 2013.
Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Provably Secure Message Recovery Limited Verifier Signature Scheme with Low Cost,” Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, April, 2014, pp.1187-1199.
Lin, Y.L., Hsu, C.L. and Chuang, Y.H., “A Novel Efficient Key Assignment Scheme for Dynamic Access Control,” Chiang Mai Journal of Science (Accepted), 2014.
Lu, C.F., Hsu, C.L., Lin, H.Y., and Su, C.H., “A Robust Convertible Multi-Authenticated Encryption Scheme with One-Way Hash Function,” International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 3, No. 5, October, 2014, pp. 315-318.
Lin, I.C., Lin, C.H., Hsu, C.L., Roan, J.S., Yeh, Y.T., and Yeh, J.S., “On nursing staff's usage behavior and intention stability: An empirical study of a nursing information system,” The Journal of Nursing Research (Accepted), 2014.
Hsu, C.L. and Lin, Y.L., “Improved Migration for Mobile Computing in Distributed Networks,” Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 36, No. 3, March, 2014, pp.577-584.
Lin, Y.L., Hsu, C.L., and Chuang, Y.H., “A Robust Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme,” International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 3, No. 5, October, 2014, pp. 337-340.
Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Hierarchical Access Control,” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, May, 2014, pp. 1239-1246.
Hsu, C.L., and Chuang, Y.H., “A Robust User Authentication Protocol with Anonymity, Deniability, Key Agreement, and Efficiency, ” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2013, pp. 127-132.
Tseng, K.C., Wong, A.M.K., Hsu, C.L., Tsai, T.H., Han, C.M., and Lee, M.R., “The iFit: An Integrated Physical Fitness Testing System to Evaluate the Degree of Physical Fitness of the Elderly,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 60, No. 1, January, 2013, pp. 184-188.
Tsai, T.H., Wong, A.M.K., Hsu, C.L., and Tseng, K.C., “Research on a Community-based Platform for Promoting Health and Physical Fitness in the Elderly Community,” PLoS One, Vol. 8, No. 2, February, 2013, pp. 1-9.
Hsu, C.L., Lee, M.R., and Su, C.H., “The Role of Privacy Protection in Healthcare Information Systems Adoption,” Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 37: 9966, No. 5, October, 2013, pp. 1-12.
Tseng, K.C., Hsu, C.L., and Chuang, Y.H., “Designing an Intelligent Health Monitoring System and Exploring User Acceptance for the Elderly,” Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 37:9967, No. 6, September, 2013, pp. 1-18.
Hsu, C.L. and Lin, H.Y., “An Identity-Based Key-Insulated Encryption with Message Linkages for Peer-to-Peer Communication Network,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 11, November, 2013, pp. 2928-2940.
Mohammad, Z., Hsu, C.L., Chen, Y.C., and Lo, C.C., “Cryptanalysis of a Secure and Efficient Three-Pass Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Based on Elliptic Curves,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 14, No. 2, March, 2013, pp.247-250.
Tseng, K.C., Hsu, C.L., Han, C.M., and Chuang, Y.H., “Development of a Telehealthcare System for Community-Dwelling Older Adults by Using a Collaborative Quality Function Deployment Tool,” Advanced Science Letters (ASL), Vol. 9, No. 1, April, 2012, pp. 689-694.
Lu, C.F., Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Provably Convertible Multi-Authenticated Encryption Scheme for Generalized Group Communications,” Information Sciences, Vol. 199, No. 15, September, 2012, pp. 154-166.
Hsu, C.L., Lu, C.F., “A Security and Privacy Preserving E-Prescription System Based on Smart Cards,” Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, No. 6, December, 2012, pp. 3637-3647.
Hsu, C.L., Tseng, K.C., and Chuang, Y.H. , “A Secure IRB System for Assisting the Development of Intelligent Medical Devices,” Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 39, No. 16, November, 2012, pp. 12512-12521.
Hsu, C.L., Lin, H.Y., “Pairing-Based Strong Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme with Low Cost,” Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 2012, pp. 517-522.
Chuang, Y.H., Shu, W., Hsu, K.C., Hsu, C.L., “A Secure Non-interactive Deniable Authentication Protocol Based on Discrete Logarithms,” ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications, Vol. 3, No. 3, June, 2012, pp. 507-512.
Tseng, K.C., Hsu, C.L., and Chuang, Y.H., “Acceptance of Information Technology and the Internet by People Aged Over Fifty in Taiwan,” Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 40, No. 4, May, 2012, pp. 613-622.
Lu, C.F., Wu, T.C., Hsu, C.L., “Certificateless Authenticated Group Key Agreement Scheme with Privacy-Preservation for Resource-Limited Mobile Devices,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 8, No. 1(B), January, 2012, pp. 599-615.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Lin, H.Y., “Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol without Trusted Third Party for Multi-Server Environments,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 8, No. 3(A), May, 2012, pp. 1541-1555.
Lu, C.F., Wu, T.C., and Hsu, C.L., “A Three-Level Authenticated Conference Key Establishment Protocol for UMTS Networks,” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C-Computers & Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 5, May, 2011, pp. 371-378.
Hsu, C.L., Tseng, Keven. C., and Chuang, Y.H., “Predictors of Future Use of Telehomecare Health Services by Middle-Aged People in Taiwan,” Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 39, No. 9, October, 2011, pp. 1251-1262.
Lin, H.Y. and Hsu, C.L., “A Novel Identity-Based Key-Insulated Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme,” International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, April, 2011, pp. 739-756.
Lin, H.Y. and Hsu, C.L., Huang, S.K., “Improved Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Provable Security,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 111, No. 13, July, 2011, pp. 661-666.
Tsai, K.Y., Wu, T.C., and Hsu, C.L., “New Secret Key Traitor Tracing Scheme with Dispute Settlement from Bilinear Maps,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 2011, pp. 1499-1510.
Hsu, C.L., Lin, H.Y., “New Identity-Based Key-Insulated Convertible Multi-Authenticated Encryption Scheme,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 34, No. 5, September, 2011, pp. 1724-1731.
Lin, Y.L. and Hsu, C.L., “New Efficient Migration for Mobile Computing in Distributed Networks,” Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 14, No. 7, July, 2011, pp. 2435-2450.
Tsai, K.Y., Wu, T.C., Hsu, C.L., Martin, K., “Provably Secure Multisignature Scheme with Document Decomposition and Signer Anonymity,” ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 5, No. 9(B), September, 2011, pp. 3579-3583.
Chuang, Y.H., Shu, W., Hsu, K.C., Hsu, C.L., “Improved Group-Oriented Digital Signature Schemes Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography,” ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 5, No. 12, December, 2011, pp. 4415-4419.
Mohammad, Z., Hsu, C.L., Chen, Y.C., and Lo, C.C., “An Efficient and Secure Three-Pass Authenticated Key Agreement Elliptic Curve Based Protocol,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 2011, pp. 1273-1284.
Hsu, C.L., Chang, L.P., and Wu, T.C., “A Supervising Authenticated Encryption Scheme for Multilevel Security,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 2011, pp. 1087-1095.
Hsu, C.L. and Tsai, K.Y., “New ECC-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement Using Smart Cards,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, July, 2011, pp. 601-608.
Lin, Y.L. and Hsu, C.L., “Secure Key Management Scheme for Dynamic Hierarchical Access Control Based on ECC,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 84, No. 4, April, 2011, pp. 679-685.
Hsu, C.L., “A Secure ID-Based User Identification Scheme for Wireless Environments,” ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 4, No. 3, June, 2010, pp. 629-633.
Tsai, K.Y., Hsu, C.L., and Wu, T.C., “Mutual Anonymity Protocol with Integrity Protection for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks,” International Journal of Security and Networks, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010, pp. 45-52.
Lin, Y.L., Wu, T.C., and Hsu, C.L., “Secure and Efficient Time-Bound Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in Hierarchical Structure,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 6, No. 2, February, 2010, pp. 439-447.
Wu, T.S., Lin, H.Y., (通信作者), and Chang, K.Y., “Efficient Verifier-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Three Parties,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 6, No. 2, February, 2010, pp. 755-762.
Lin, Y.L. and Hsu, C.L., “Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Hierarchical Key Management Scheme for Access Control in the Mobile Agent,” ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 4, No. 1, February, 2010, pp. 183-187. <EI>
Mohammad, Z., Chen, Y.C., Hsu, C.L., and Lo, C.C., “Cryptanalysis and Enhancement of Two-Pass Authenticated Key Agreement with Key Confirmation Protocols,” IETE Technical Review, Vol. 27, No. 3, May, 2010, pp. 252-265.
Chang, L.P., Wu, T.C., Hsu, C.L., and Lu, C.F., “Two Level Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol with Privacy-Preservation for Resource-Limited Mobile Devices,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, July, 2010, pp. 519-528.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.C., and Tsai, K.Y., “Certificateless Authenticated Key Distribution and Conference Key Distribution Schemes,” International Journal of Business and Information, Vol. 5, No. 1, June, 2010, pp. 46-62.
Wu, T.S., Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Self-Certified Multi-Proxy Signature Schemes with Message Recovery,” Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A, Vol. 10, No. 2, February, 2009, pp. 290-300.
Hsu, C.L., and Chuang, Y.H., “A Novel User Identification Scheme with Key Distribution Preserving User Anonymity for Distributed Computer Networks,” Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 4, February, 2009, pp. 422-429.
Lu, C.F., Wu, T.C., and Hsu, C.L., “Certificateless Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol for Unbalanced Wireless Mobile Networks,” WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 8, No. 11, November, 2009, pp. 1145-1159.
Wu, T.S., Hsu, C.L., Tsai, K.Y., Lin, H.Y., and Wu, T.C., “Convertible Multi-Authenticated Encryption Scheme,” Information Sciences, Vol. 178, No. 1, January, 2008, pp. 256-263.
Wu, T.C., Huang, T.T., Hsu, C.L., and Tsai, K.Y., “Recursive Protocol for Group-Oriented Authentication with Key Distribution,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 81, No. 7, July, 2008, pp. 1227-1239.
Hsu, C.L., “Cryptanalysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem on Smart Card Access Control with Threshold Scheme,” Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 6, November, 2008, pp. 367-372.
Hsu, C.L., Tsai, K.Y., and Tsai, P.L., “Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Nonrepudiable Threshold Multi-Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme with Shared Verification,” Information Sciences, Vol. 177, No. 2, January, 2007, pp. 543-549.
Wu, T.S., Hsu, C.L., and Lin, H.Y., “Generalized Convertible Authenticated Encryption Schemes for Smart Card Applications,” International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 2, No. 8, 2007, pp. 345-363.
Hsu, C.L., Liu, H.C., and Chou, M.T., “Remote Mutual Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement Using Smart Cards,” International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 2, No. 28, 2007, pp. 1381-1397.
Hsu, C.L., Lin, W.T., and Chou, Y.C., “New Efficient Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol for Imbalanced Wireless Networks,” Journal of Computers, Vol. 18, No. 2, July, 2007, pp. 25-32.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and He, W.H., “New Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 162, No. 3, March, 2005, pp. 1201-1206.
Hsu, C.L., and Wu, T.S., “Self-Certified Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes with Message Recovery, Nonrepudiation, and Traceability,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 164, No. 1, May, 2005, pp. 201-225.
Hsu, C.L., “Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Tzeng-Hwang Authenticated Encryption Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 167, No. 2, August, 2005, pp. 882-890.
Hsu, C.L. and Wu, T.S., “Efficient Nonrepudiable Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers Against the Collusion Attack,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 168, No. 1, September, 2005, pp. 305-319.
Hsu, C.L., “A User Friendly Remote Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards Against Impersonation Attacks,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 170, No. 1, November, 2005, pp. 135-143.
Wu, T.S. and Hsu, C.L., “Efficient User Identification Scheme with Key Distribution Preserving Anonymity for Distributed Computer Networks,” Computers and Security, Vol. 23, No. 2, March, 2004, pp. 120-125.
Hsu, C.L., “Security of Chien et al.'s Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards,” Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 3, May, 2004, pp. 167-169.
Hsu, C.L. and Wu, T.S., “Efficient Proxy Signature Schemes Using Self-Certified Public Keys,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 152, No. 3, May, 2004, pp. 807-820.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Wu, T.C., “Group-Oriented Signature Scheme with Distinguished Signing Authorities,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 20, No. 5, June, 2004, pp. 865-873.
Wu, T.S. and Hsu, C.L., “Cryptanalysis of Group-Oriented (t, n) Threshold Digital Signature Schemes with Traceable Signers,” Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 5, September, 2004, pp. 477-481.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Wu, T.C., “Improvement of Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 136, No. 2-3, March, 2003, pp. 315-321.
Wu, T.C. and Hsu, C.L., “Cryptanalysis of Digital Multisignature Schemes for Authenticating Delegates in Mobile Code Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 52, No. 2, March, 2003, pp. 462-465.
Hsu, C.L. and Wu, T.S., “Cryptanalyses and Improvements of Two Cryptographic Key Assignment Schemes for Dynamic Access Control in a User Hierarchy,” Computers and Security, Vol. 22, No. 5, July, 2003, pp. 453-456.
Wu, T.S. and Hsu, C.L., “Threshold Signature Scheme Using Self-Certified Public Keys,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 67, No. 2, August, 2003, pp. 89-97.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., Wu, T.C., and Mitchell, C., “Improvement of Modified Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 142, No. 2-3, October, 2003, pp. 305-308.
Wu, T.S., Hsu, C.L., Lin, H.Y., and Huang, P.S., “Improvement of the Miyazaki-Takaragi Threshold Digital Signature Scheme,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 88, No. 4, November, 2003, pp. 183-186.
Hsu, C.L., “Security of Two Remote User Authentication Schemes Using Smart Cards,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 4, November, 2003, pp. 1196-1198.
Wu, T.S. and Hsu, C.L., “Convertible Authenticated Encryption Scheme,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 62, No. 3, June, 2002, pp. 205-209.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Wu, T.C., “Improvements of Generalization of Threshold Signature and Authenticated Encryption for Group Communications,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 81, No. 1, January, 2002, pp. 41-45.
Wu, T.S. and Hsu, C.L., “ID-Based Multisignatures with Distinguished Signing Authorities for Sequential and Broadcasting Architectures,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 131, No. 2-3, September, 2002, pp. 349-356.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Wu, T.C., “New Nonrepudiable Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 58, No. 2, September, 2001, pp. 119-124. <SCI: 0.440 (2001), 44/N/A in COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING>
Wu, T.S., He, W.H., and Hsu, C.L., “Security of Authenticated Multiple-Key Agreement Protocols,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 5, March, 1999, pp. 391-392.
Hsu, C.L. and Wu, T.C., “Authenticated Encryption Scheme with (t, n) Shared Verification,” IEE Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 145, No. 2, March, 1998, pp. 117-120.
Conference Papers
Hsu, C.L., Chuang, Y.H., and Tsai, K.Y., “Secure and efficient non-interactive deniable authentication protocol from pairings,” e-CASE 2009, Singapore, 2009.
Hsu, C.L., Chung, C.G., and Lee, M.R., “Development and promotion of interdisciplinary education for emerging technologies – the case of CGU RFID program,” 2009 ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009.
Hsu, C.L. and Chen, C.H. “A security and privacy preserving e-prescription system based on smart cards,” The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2008).
Hsu, C.L., Chuang, Y.H., and Tsai K.Y., “A novel non-interactive deniable authentication protocol,” The 3rd Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2008), Seoul, Korea, 2008.
Chang, L.P., Wu, T.C., and Hsu, C.L., “Efficient Date-Attachment Scheme for Secure Electronic Cash Payment System,” The 3rd Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2008), Seoul, Korea, 2008.
Hsu, C.L., Tsai, P.L., and Chou, Y.C., “Robust dynamic access control scheme in a user hierarchy based on one-way hash function,” 2008 International Computer symposium, Tankang, Taiwan, 2008.
Hsu, C.L., Wu, T.S., and Lin, H.Y., “Efficient convertible authenticated encryption schemes for smart card applications in network environments,” 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005),Vol. V, Orlando, July 10-13 2005, pp. 13-18.
Chen, W.H. and Hsu, C.L., “Secure group communication schemes for sensor networks,” International Conference on Systems and Signals (ICSS 2005),Kaohsiung, April 28-29 2005.
Hsu, C.L., Liu, H.C., and Chou, M.T., “Remote mutual authentication with key agreement based on smart cards,” Conference on Digital Contents Management and Applications 2005 (CDMA 2005), Kaohsiung, June 18 2005, pp. 583-593.
Hsu, C.L. and Chuang, Y.H., “A novel user identification scheme with key distribution preserving user anonymity for distributed computer networks,” Conference on Digital Contents Management and Applications 2005 (CDMA 2005), Kaohsiung, June 18, 2005, pp. 530-539.
Hsu, C.L. and Tsai, P.L., “Cryptanalysis of dynamic access control scheme in a user hierarchy based on one-way hash function,” Cyberspace 2005: CyberSecurity, CyberCrime, and CyberLaw, 2005.
Hsu, C.L., Tsai, P.L., and Chu, C.W., “Self-certified proxy signcryption schemes from pairings,” Cryptology and Inforamtion Security Conference.
Hsu, C.L. and Liu H.C., “Robust user friendly remote mutual authentication scheme with smart cards,” Cyberspace 2004: Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberlaw, Taipei, November 26 2004, pp. 196-203.
Hsu C.L., Wu T.S., and Li M.J., “Universal forgery attack on the Xia-You group signature scheme with strong separability,” Cyberspace 2003: Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Cyberlaw, Taipei, 2003, pp. 88-92.
Hsu, C.L. and Wu, T.C., “Insider forgery attacks on Wang-Lin-Chang threshold signature schemes with traceable signers,” Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Symposium Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security, 2000, pp. 43-45.