Lecture Time: November 29, 112 (Wednesday), 10:00-11:30 AM
Moderator: Prof. Wen-Lung Shiau, Department of Information Management, Chang Gung University
Speaker: Prof. Michael D. Myers
Lecture Title: My experience publishing in top journals – Two examples
Lecture Venue: Zoom Meeting
Meeting Link: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/99712937483?pwd=V25hWllneXdKcThoeFdnUFNNbTR5QT09
Meeting ID: 997 1293 7483
Meeting Password: 059630
Publishing in top journals is not easy and requires much work, however articles published in these journals tend to be well cited and can influence the direction of a discipline. Publishing in these journals also enhances your reputation and is often needed for promotion and tenure. In this talk Michael will share some of his experience in publishing his research in top journals. He will discuss how two articles published in MIS Quarterly were developed and the lessons learned along the way.
This event features Prof. Mayer, a master of qualitative research and an authority in AIS international information management, sharing his experience in publishing in top-tier journals. For faculty and students, this is an opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with international scholars, broadening their global perspective and understanding how foreign scholars conduct research, thereby learning to enhance their own research capabilities.
Faculty and students with interest are warmly invited to participate!