
陳敏齡 部定教授



國際內部稽核師(Certificate No.42434)


1. Mien-Ling Chen. 2022. Monetary incentives, effort and payof「feedback: Differential effects on individual's effort choices in a group. Journal of Economics and 1vfanage111ent, 18(2022), 197-213. (Econ. Lit. 期刊)
2. Wen Chang, Mien-Ling Chen*, and Chi-Ying Chiao. 2012. Does inunateriality matter? Evidence from accountants concerning the acceptability of questionable accounting process. Modern Economy 3: 223-228. (Econ. Lit. 期刊)(*為通訊作者)
3. Mien-Ling Chen. 2012. The effect of leader reward and punishment behaviors on subordinates'budget reports, The Engineering Economist, 57(1), 41-54 (SSCI期刊)
4. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*. 2010. Playing devious games, budget-emphasis in pe」formance evaluation, and attitudes towards the budgetary process. Manage111e11I Decision, 48(6), 940-951. (SSCI期刊)(*為通訊作者)
5. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*. 2009. The effect of demographic characteristics on budgeting request tactics. The Engineering Economist, 54(4), 298-316. (SSCI期刊)
6. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*. 2009. The effect of attitudes towards the budgetary process on attitudes towards budgetary slack and behaviors to create budgetary slack. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 37(5), 661-672. (SSCI 期刊)(*為通訊作者)
7. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*. 2009. Relationships among budgetary leadership behavior, managerial budgeting games, and budgetary attitudes: Evidence from Taiwanese corporations. Journal qf International Accounting, Auditing, & Taxation, 18(1), 73-84. (國科會會計國際期刊評比B+) (*為通訊作者)


1. 陳敏齡,2013, II預算協甯對預算亢列與努力行为之影皐' ,會計理諭與實務妍討會。中華會計教育學會與束吳大學會計系合辦
2. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*, 2008, "The effect of personal characteristics on budgeting request tactics", 會計理論與實務妍討會,中華會計教育學會與中興大學會計系合辨(*為通訊作者)
3. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*, 2008, "Relationships among budgetary leadership behaviors, managerial budgeting games, and attitudes in Taiwanese corporations", American Accounting Association Arumal Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, August 3-6 (*為通訊作者)
4. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*, 2007, "Managerial Budgeting Games and Attit11cles under Budgetary Pressures",American accounting Association Annual Meeting,Chicago,IL,USA,August5-8 (*為通訊作者)
5. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*, 2007, "Relationships among budgetary leadership behavior, managerial budgeting games, and attitude", 會計理論與實務妍討會,中華會計教育學會與台北大學會計系合辨(*為通訊作者)
6. Cheng-Li Huang and Mien-Ling Chen*, 2006, "The effects of importance of budgetary work, role ambiguity and budgeting game strategies on managerial behavior and attitude", 會計理掄與實務妍討會,中華會計教育學會與柬吳大學會計系合辦(*為通訊作者)

