
江彥逸 助理教授



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1986   南非數學奧林匹克競賽銀牌獎。
1996 - 1998  南非國科會基礎研究與發展基金會,博士助學金。
2002   南非國科會博士後獎學金。
2005 長庚大學優良教師教學獎。
2008 長庚大學優良教師輔導獎。


  1. 長庚醫院計畫: 整合型生物資訊計劃一:台灣地區癌症基因資料庫之發展及其在癌症基因診斷與治療之應用研究, 2003/1/1 to 2004/3/31.
  2. 國科會計畫 (93-2213-E-182-011): 隱藏式馬可夫模型用於大量基因表達序列標籤的叢集及單核甘酸基因多型性識別, 2004/8/1 to 2005/7/31.
  3. 長庚醫院計畫: Systemic Biology整合型計劃八:單依核肝酸多型在膀胱癌之功能列序的預測與偵查:cDNA基因晶片和機器學習技, 2004/9/1 to 2007/12/31.
  4. 國科會計畫 (94-2213-E-182-023): 經由研究互補核酸晶片上非專一性影響評估和證明雜交訊號的可靠性(1/2), 2005/8/1 to 2006/7/31.
  5. 國科會計畫 (95-2221-E-182-045): 經由研究互補核酸晶片上非專一性影響評估和證明雜交訊號的可靠性(2/2), 2006/8/1 to 2007/7/31.
  6. 長庚醫院計畫: 整合型膀胱癌的蛋白質研究子計劃一:訊息核糖核酸(mRNA)穩定性概況-序列保留區的鑑定、功能活性, 2007/5/1 to Current. 


  1. 2002 R.I. Becker, Y. Chiang, I. Lari, A. Scozzari and G. Storchi. Finding the l-core of a Tree, Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI: 0.339) 118:25-42.
  2. 2001 R.I. Becker, Y. Chiang, I. Lari and A. Scozzari. The Cent-Dian Path Problem on Tree Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCI: 0.390), 2223:743-753.
  3. 2002 R.I. Becker, B. Simeone and Y. Chiang. A shifting algorithm for continuous tree partitioning, Theoretical Computer Science (SCI: 0.417) 282:353-380.
  4. 2004 李佳儒、江彥逸、張佳純、張欣怡、羅育如、張慧朗、陳春賢. 以基因微陣列反轉量分析基因的單一抑制調控. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, Vol.13(3) ,p1-8.
  5. 2007 江彥逸、陳春賢. 一個以電腦加速篩選癌症相關基因的兩段式方法, The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, Vol.16 (4), p37-46 .
  6. 2008 江彥逸 艾倫諾 金國生 翁註重 陳文誌 曾俊儒 蔡采璇 蕭坤安 謝國榮, 向台塑學創新開發, 游漢明、邱文科編,遠流出版社。
  7. 2009 Yen-I Chiang, and Guan-I Wu, A proposed paradigm for Expressed Sequence Tags data format – an application of Hidden Markov Models, Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, p 309-320. (EI)
  8. 2011 Rong-Rong Chen, Yen-I Chiang, P. Pete Chong, Yung-Hsiu Lin and Her-Kun Chang. Rough Set Analysis on Call Center Metrics, Rough set analysis on call center metrics, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, pp. 3804–3811. (SCI: 2.415)


  1. 2011 陳世明及江彥逸〈住院病人轉送工作派班問題之研究〉,《JCMIT 2011台灣國際醫學資訊聯合研討會》,頁127~132,民國100年11月6日。
  2. 2011 Shu-Man Chang, Her-Kun Chang, Yen-I Chiang, and Yung-Hsiu Lin, Algorithm Analysis of Student Placement, 2011 IACSIT Bangkok Conferences, December 2-3, 2011, C012, 1-5
  3. Y-I Chiang, G-I Wu, W-J Hsu and H-Y Chen. A Proposed Paradigm For Expressed Sequence Tags Data Format – Advance Towards Disease Prediction, IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-21.
  4. Guan-I Wu, Yen-I Chiang. Application of Hidden Markov Models for the Recognition of Erroneous Regions in the Electropherograms of EST Sequences, Medical Informatics Symposium in Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2005.
  5. Hus WJ and Chiang Y-I. Evaluation and analysis of cross hybridization effects of probes on cDNA microarrays, Medical Informatics Symposium in Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2005.
  6. 2002 Y. Chiang and R.I. Becker. Shuffle/Exchange network of size 2log(N) for N £ 32 is rearrangeable, The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 198-203.
  7. 1998 R.I. Becker, B. Simeone and Y. Chiang. How to make a polynomial movie from pseudopolynomially many frames: A continuous shifting algorithm for tree partitioning, Proceeding of Algorithm for fun.
  8. 1994 Yen-I Chiang. Continuous Max-Min Tree Partitioning, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Masters and Ph.D. Students in Computer Science Conference. December 1994, Stellenbosch, South Africa.


  1. 長庚醫院計畫: 整合型生物資訊計劃一:台灣地區癌症基因資料庫之發展及其在癌症基因診斷與治療之應用研究, 2003/1/1 to 2004/3/31.
  2. 國科會計畫 (93-2213-E-182-011):  隱藏式馬可夫模型用於大量基因表達序列標籤的叢集及單核甘酸基因多型性識別, 2004/8/1 to 2005/7/31. 
  3. 長庚醫院計畫: Systemic Biology整合型計劃八:單依核肝酸多型在膀胱癌之功能列序的預測與偵查:cDNA基因晶片和機器學習技, 2004/9/1 to 2007/12/31.
  4. 國科會計畫 (94-2213-E-182-023): 經由研究互補核酸晶片上非專一性影響評估和證明雜交訊號的可靠性(1/2), 2005/8/1 to 2006/7/31.
  5. 國科會計畫 (95-2221-E-182-045): 經由研究互補核酸晶片上非專一性影響評估和證明雜交訊號的可靠性(2/2), 2006/8/1 to 2007/7/31.
  6. 長庚醫院計畫: 整合型膀胱癌的蛋白質研究子計劃一:訊息核糖核酸(mRNA)穩定性概況-序列保留區的鑑定、功能活性, 2007/5/1 to 2010/10/31.